VIDEO: Nemokamos konferencijos "Kaip susikurti konkurencinį pranašumą mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms" pranešimai

Kviečiame peržiūrėti nemokamą konferencijos, skirtos Lietuvos verslui įrašus. Renginys vyko 2013 m. spalio 23 d. Vilniuje, LITEXPO Konferencijų centre.
Vainikuojant projektą „Konkurencingumo centras“, kuriame dalyvavo per 500 Lietuvos įmonių, ekspertai pristatys projekto rezultatus – kaip Lietuvos verslui sekasi konkuruoti tarptautinėje erdvėje, kuriose srityse esame pažeidžiami ir kaip tai susiję su įmonių branda.

Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje praktiniais patarimais, kaip atskleisti savo potencialą ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų per trumpesnį laiką su mažiau išteklių, dalinosi pasaulinio lygio pranešėjai, garsiausi Apribojimų teorijos (TOC) ekspertai, TOCICO tarptautinės sertifikavimo organizacijos nariai.

Konferencijos kalba



How to Better Exploit and not Waste a Business's Scarcest Resource - Management Attention

Speaker: Dr. Alan Barnard, South Africa

Occupation: CEO, Goldratt Research Labs

About speaker: Dr. Alan Barnard is one of the leading Theory of Constraints (TOC) experts in the world. As CEO of Goldratt Research Labs, he worked directly with Dr. Eli Goldratt (international bestselling author and creator of Theory of Constraints) in order to guide the research and development of new applications of TOC in large and complex organizations.

Alan is frequent speaker at international conferences and author of two chapters of the bestselling “Theory of Constraints Handbook” published by McGraw Hill in 2010. His passion in life is to help organizations and individuals identify and unlock their inherent potential in order to achieve more with less resources and time.



Building Mafia Offers for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs)

Speaker: Dr. Lisa Lang, USA

Occupation: President, TOCICO International Certification Organisation

Marketing director, Goldratt Research Labs

About speaker: Dr. Lisa Lang is a renowned, one of the few Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) certified experts in Theory of Constraints worldwide. She also serves on the TOCICO Board of Directors and had served as the Global Marketing Director for Dr. Eli Goldratt, father of Theory of Constraints and author of The Goal.

Lisa is regularly sought out for her expertise on developing market  offers (mafia offers) that increase sales. She is the author of two published workshops, several articles and books written about mafia offers and TOC. She also appears in the “Theory of Constraints Handbook” with 43 other Theory of Constraints experts from all around   the world.




How to Prepare Irresistible Proposal under Lithuanian Circumstances

Speaker: Nerius Jasinavicius

Occupation: Managing Partner, TOC sprendimai

About speaker: Nerius Jasinavicius is a Certified Management Consultant and is TOCICO certified practitioner for Supply Chain and Thinking Process. Starting from 1994 he had been working as a Brand Manager at BENNET Distributors, Business Unit Manager at Alna and is now working as a Managing Partner at TOC sprendimai.
Nerius specializes in Theory of Constraints application to Business management areas such as manufacturing, project handling, sales management, corporate strategy and tactics creation.
Nerius is an organizer of numerous seminars and trainings which are always attended by well-known Lithuanian and foreign companies.



Building the Cash Machine — Sales Team and Sales Process Management

Speaker: Dr. Alex Klarman, Israel

Occupation: CEO, Goldratt Institute - Israel

About speaker: Alex Klarman is the Owner of the Goldratt Institute in Israel and is leading the effort to establish TOC as the standard management approach in Israel. He also works at Israeli Air Force (IAF) as a Consultant in TOC Applications.

In the course of the last 24 years he took a major part in the drive to develop, disseminate and apply TOC. His work includes the development of educational materials such as the computer simulators used in various TOC education courses, as well as the implementations in leading world-class corporations like Ford, Phillips, Intel and Microsoft among others. The author of world best seller The Cash Machine.


VIDEO: Nemokamos konferencijos "Kaip susikurti konkurencinį pranašumą mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms" pranešimai | Verslo Akademija


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